Susan Tracy Healing

Functional Nutrition Coaching

Functional Nutrition Coaching

Fueling Your Natural Healing Abilities

With Functional Nutrition as part of my toolkit, the aim is to provide the essential elements for your well-being.

Currently working towards certification as a Functional Nutrition Practitioner, the goal is to offer you comprehensive, holistic care. Your body’s fuel plays a pivotal role in your innate healing abilities. What you nourish your body with is crucial, and improper fueling can impede your progress. With Functional Nutrition as part of my toolkit, the aim is to provide the essential elements for your well-being.

By delving into your body’s fundamental needs, the intention is to seamlessly integrate Functional Nutrition with existing practices, ensuring your path leads toward balance, wellness, and optimal well-being.

Food as Medicine

Achieving Balance, Nutrition, & Well-Being

Functional Nutrition represents a holistic perspective on nutrition and eating, extending beyond conventional approaches. It considers various aspects of your life, including activity levels, environment, chronic illnesses, stress, and more. Unlike traditional nutrition, which predominantly focuses on the science of food, Functional Nutrition delves into the personal aspects of eating, recognizing how individual factors influence optimal nutrition and health.

This approach sees food as medicine, understanding the impact of nutrition on health based and individual circumstances. Recognizing the uniqueness of each person, Functional Nutrition avoids the one-size-fits-all mentality of traditional practices, ensuring tailored solutions that address specific needs.
When your distinct nutritional requirements are met, your body is better equipped for integrative medicine and practices like Reiki, Zero Balance, or Shamanic Healing. With expertise in various energy medicine techniques, Functional Nutrition serves as the final touch, optimizing the effectiveness of each practice for every client. My path to becoming a certified Functional Nutritionist is underway, and soon, I’ll be offering nutrition coaching services alongside other energy practices.

Optimizing Healing Through Functional Nutrition

Embracing the Power of Food

Functional Nutrition, guided by the belief that “Food is Medicine,” unfolds a multitude of benefits surpassing traditional nutrition practices.

Bowls of brightly colored food on white table cloth

The benefits include:

Tailored Lifestyle Plan:

Crafted to align with your unique lifestyle and body requirements, Functional Nutrition offers a personalized approach, recognizing the individuality of each person.

Symptom-Specific Optimization:

This approach optimizes food choices to address specific symptoms.

Integral Part of Holistic Healing:

Incorporating Functional Nutrition into your plan creates a comprehensive and well-rounded approach, enhancing the synergy of various healing practices.

Nourishing Your Body:

Beyond mere sustenance, Functional Nutrition ensures that every bite nourishes your body, promoting overall health and well-being.


Common Questions

Curious about mold remediation? It’s perfectly normal to have questions! Unsure if my packages are the right fit for you? Check out the common questions below for guidance. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out

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Start Feeling Better Naturally Today

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If you’re ready to feel better, regardless of the symptoms you may be experiencing, take the first step today. Reach out to book a session — online or in person!